Saturday, May 14, 2011

Contact me in Uganda!

Hello, friends! Thanks to those of you who having been taking time to read my blog! Just wanted to let people know how to contact me (as I begin teaching her in about a week).

Mark Cotton
PO Box 100
Nebbi, Uganda
(Letters will take a few weeks, small packages, which could easily contain sour gummy worms or cereal, take anywhere from 1 to 3 months. Send me some snail!)

You can also text me directly for FREE at (425) 247-1812. I can't receive calls or pictures this way though, sorry.

I'd love to Skype with you as well! Send me a text and I will get on Skype if I can. My username is mark2d2.

That's all for now from toasty Parombo.


  1. I'll send you some snail if you send me some...

  2. Hey bro,
    Is it Parombro or Parombo. (You've done both)
    Happy teaching!
    We sent some snail mail, too.

  3. Glad to hear you have a more regular mailing address.
    Things sound like they are amazing over for you.

    Made an excellent batch of curry last night. It is perfected :)

    Keep up the good work and make an impact. Stay safe we miss you here at the Jolly household.
