Friday, May 6, 2011


I am now, and have been for two weeks, at my site in Parombo.

So much to say, so much time. But I will be brief. What five words would I best use to describe my life right now? Well, since you ask, I'd have to say French solar Scrabble pancakes.

French - I hitched a ride back to town in a pickup. I tried speaking with the driver but he didn't really speak Alur and spoke even less English. Fluent in French, though. Sadly, je ne parle pas francais. I wish I could remember more...

Solar - My town does not have power. A couple shops use generators and such. I got my solar setup the first full day...(not out of extreme anxiety but due to my headteacher's on-the-ball-ness). It's nice to have lights (as I type this and my battery has been depleted for the evening).

Scrabble - My headteacher is not bad at it. We play it every couple nights. He scored 99 points off the word "Donkeys" so...Scott, you down for some scrabbs?

Pancakes - Parombo has one, uh, restaurant. They serve beans sometimes. In Uganda, sometimes when you walk into a restaurant and ask for food, during meantime no less, the waiters will come out and stare at you like you are crazy and then eventually tell you they have no food. ("Food? Why would you want food?" I hear them thinking.) I am starting to cook. Made my first every batch of completely from scratch (banana) pancakes. SO good. I will be getting syrup soon.

Alright, that's all for now. Though I do have some sweet Spiders, if anyone is interested.


  1. It was nice to have an "African" meal w/ your host-dad via Junior's cooking.
    Now that you've moved out, do you like him?

  2. I never got to meet my host dad. Sadly, the day I moved to site was the day he got back and he was exhausted. The day will come soon, though, when I get to finally meet him.

  3. Do you still have that cheat sheet I sent you with basic French on it? Miss you!

  4. Ohh, I wanna play scrabble. I haven't played in years, but I think I like it.

  5. I don't think I have the French cheat sheet anymore unless it is still in my dropbox... Hmm. And, Selina, we can play scrabble together via facebook or I am sure there is an app for it as well.
